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Cliquez ici pour langue française Ressources
French Language Resources
Hadi Saadat
Pursuing additional education after retirement is a great way to get an intellectual workout and keep your brain agile. This is the time for personal growth and an opportunity to pursue the hobbies which were postponed during your professional career. After a long academic career, I still have a passion for learning. For me learning a new language is a challenging endeavor and a continual learning process. There are many useful resources for French practice. These resources let you progress at your own
pace with an emphasis on learning, and can prepare you for your French
instructor, bugging you to conjugate hard verbs. So, relax and learn at
a peaceful pace while enjoying a glass of wine, and let the rest of
the world goes by..

Profiter de sa retraite pour entreprendre de nouvelles études est une excellente manière d'entretenir ses facultés intellectuelles, d'assurer et de maintenir à sa pensée toute sa capacité de raisonnement, d'analyse, de vivacité. C'est le moment idéal pour vous satisfaire pleinement en vous adonnant à vos violons d'Ingres, en réalisant ces mille activités que durant votre vie professionnelle vous n'aviez trouvées l'occasion d'accomplir. Après une longue carrière universitaire, je cultive toujours un appétit et une passion inaltérée pour apprendre. J'étais particulièrement motivé par l'apprentissage d'une nouvelle langue étrangère. Pratiquer la langue française offre de multiples avantages, satisfait ma curiosité, ma soif d'apprentissage. Il existe de nombreux moyens d'aborder l'apprentissage de cette langue, j'ai opté pour une méthode qui me permet d'avancer à mon rythme, qui insiste sur les points ardus, me confrontant à mon instructeur sur des problèmes de conjugaison particulièrement déconcertants. Suivez mon exemple Détendez-vous, oubliez le reste du monde, en étudiant paisiblement tout en dégustant un bon verre de vin.

Selected French Language Sites
Bullet français interactif, University of Texas
French language and culture, interviews of native French speakers as well as scenes of day-to-day interactions in France. A guide to the French grammer verbs and their use in sentenses.
Bullet Le Point du Fle Le Point du FLE Lets you easily find the best free resources for teaching and learning French. There are sites for interactive communications and grammar; self-correcting exercises etc., which all can be used for work in the classroom or for self-studies.
Bullet Language Guide
LanguageGuide.org offers free sound integrated resources for learning French language.
Bullet BBC French
A video-based online resource with activities
to simple spoken French language. a guide to French grammar and pronounciation. You can find online courses, news, features, holiday information and reviews of French films.
Bullet A l' écoute de la langue francaise     Listen to the CD Sample
Bullet Language Center - University of Minnesota
Bullet Interactive Site French Teacher - Wycombe's (UK) excellent and interactive language online
Bullet Tutorial
Bullet Lexique Fle Vocabulaire et grammaire. Exercices
Bullet ShortKey Lite - Allows you to type French & other special characters
Bullet Smart Pharase - Thousands of foreign phrases arranged by subject for seven major languages in a fully searchable online database.
Bullet Podcast Français Facile
Bullet lingo24 Language Translation Services
Bullet Annenberg Media - French in Action - A Video Instructional Series in French fro college and high school classrooms ans adult learners
Bullet Learn French Online The site has video and podcast lessons for French phrases, grammar and vocabulary
Bullet College Education Online & French Language Resources for Teachers, Resources and Exercises for Students and Sites about France.
Bullet FrenchLearner Free audio lessons covering everything you need to know to learn French including basic phrases, vocabulary, verbs, songs and much more.

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More French Language Sites
Bullet French Assistant
Bullet Bonjour De France
Bullet Lexique
Bullet Julie Cronkhite
Bullet jeux de francais
Bullet Linguascope
Bullet Lingolex
Bullet Pour améliorer son francais
Bullet Bienvenue sur kutchuk
Bullet Premier chapitre Littérature et langue françaises
Bullet Polar Fle Apprendre le français à travers une enquête policière.
(murder mystery).
Bullet phonétique
Bullet Jeu de l'oie PLAY Of GOOSE to learn French while having fun! You
must help a goose to return to it while answering questions
about the French language
Bullet Henriette Gezundhajt, Département d'études françaises
de l'Université de Toronto
Bullet Perso Orange Methodologis Le portail des sites pour les étudiants
et les professeurs de Français Langue Etrangère
Bullet Volterre-fr
Ressources Langues et Linguistiques Anglaises et Françaises
Bullet lingo24 Useful Phrases: English - French

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Universities French Language Centers

Bullet French Media Files Universityof Waterloo Audio and Video Lab → Buy Audio CD's for: Thémes, French for Global Community
Bullet University of Northern Iowa  Lets Learn French
Bullet POLAR FLE Apprenez le français avec l'inspecteur Roger Duflair Presses Universitaires de Grenoble
Bullet French Language Resources Yale University
Bullet Web-Based Activities
Bullet University of Virginia
Bullet The RATFL Project
Bullet France Cyenergies

Welcome to ClincNet A French-speaking cultural an literary Site University of Swarthmore

Bullet Language Center City College Of San Francisco
Bullet FREN 215: Introduction à la linguistique française
Bullet University of Virginia - the French Writing Center
Bullet ESL – Language studies abroad

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French Grammar and Verb Conjugation

Bullet tex's french grammar
Bullet French Corner on Pax
Bullet Grammaire français, étudesd littéraires
Bullet ORTHONET: Conjugaisons,  grammaire et  orthographe
Bullet French Grammer Centeral

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Free French Translation Sites

Bullet Babel Fish Translation 
Bullet Free & Professional Translation From SDL
Bullet Reverso Translation Software (Free trial service)
Bullet Language Tools on Google
Bullet WorldLingo
Bullet SYSTRAN Language Translation Technologies
Bullet The Open University-University Languages: French

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English/French Dictionaries

Bullet bab.la bab.la is an interactive language portal offering free bilingual dictionaries, vocabulary lessons, language games, and topical quizzes. Currently available in 14 different languages.
Definitions, Conjugations, French-English, English–French
Bullet The Free Dictionary by Farlex
Bullet Alexandria
Excellent Free Language Dictionaries Click
on any word! a window appears providing definitions, synonyms, derivative forms, compounds and translations.
Bullet Lexibase online
Lexibase is the ideal software tool for dictionary look-up on PC, Intranet and Pocket PC.It integrates the richness and accuracy of Collins' dictionary content with the best in language-technology software from Softissimo.
The software enables you to move your cursor over a word and the iFinger engine returns the information instantly in a pop-up box.
Bullet Oxford Hachatte Dictionary
Bullet Your Dictionary
Bullet Dictionnaire
Synonymes, lexiques français/anglais et atlas sémantiques par le C.N.R.S., l’université Lyon I et l’université de Caen
Bullet Grand dictionnaire terminologique
Dictionnaires de l’Office québécois de la langue française.
Bullet Wordreference
Dictionnaires multilingues de traduction
Bullet TLF Le trésor de la langue française
The reference dictionary of the French Language

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French Proverbs

Bullet French Proverbs Wikiquote
Bullet French Proverbs 1611
Bullet Proverbe d'aout

French Audio Books

Bullet Audiobooks for learning French
Bullet Learn Out Loud
Bullet Duolingo
Bullet Free French Lessons
Bullet audible.fr - Bougez, vous lisez!

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French Language Softwar

Bullet Pimsleur Approach
Bullet French Classes
Bullet UNF Orgettable Languages
Bullet Rosetta Stone
Bullet French Reviews
Bullet Transparen Language
Bullet Linguascope
Bullet Rocket French
Bullet Before you know it
Bullet Learn French Software  Top Ten Reviews

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French Television & Radio

TV5MONDOE: langue française
Bullet Learning and Teaching French with with TV 5
Bullet France 2 TV
Bullet Radio France Internationale
Bullet Tf1
Bullet M6
Bullet Arte
Bullet Radio France
Bullet Rtl
Bullet france 3
Bullet CANAL+
Bullet France 5

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French Culture

Bullet Rutgers French Resources Center
Bullet Paris Org
Bullet French Culture
Bullet Federation of Alliencec Francaises USA
Bullet Friends Abroad
Bullet Le portait de la culture
Bullet FLE A public agency for the promotion, improvement and development of teaching French as a foreign language
Bullet l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
Bullet Franc-parler
un site de l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
est un centre de ressources académiques, scientifiques et culturelles sur les pays francophones

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French Songs

BBC - French - Musique et Paroles
Songs for Teaching French Language
Le Hall de la chanson
ABC de la chason francophone Paroles de chansons françaises

French Poems

Bullet Poésie
Bullet Terms relating to Poetry
Bullet Comptines et poésies

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Site maintained by Hadi Saadat