Hadi Saadat
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GUI Program for Induction Motor Performance and Analysis

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This self-extracting installation file contains two graphical user interface programs for transformer and induction motor analyses. After downloading this file double-click on the file to install the programs in a directory of your choice. Use MATLAB Path Browser to add this directory to the MATLAB path. Among the important aspects in the steady-state analysis of a three-phase induction motor are the variation of current, power, losses and torque associated with various operating conditions. In the induction motor program, the parameters of the equivalent circuit can be entered on the circuit diagram. The program draws the Thevenin's equivalent circuit. Performance characteristics are then obtained for the specified slip and the torque slip curve is plotted on the screen. The analysis can be repeated for different slips. To run the induction motor program at the MATLAB prompt type

>> inductionmotor

Induction Motor

Induction Motor

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